Monday, November 7, 2011

Not good for much

Before my husband left for work today he asked me to clean the nursery. Sure hun, right after I feed babies, deal with the Schwan's guy, read, eat, feed babies again, nap (me and he babies), wake up real quick as you come up the driveway, feed babies, blog. Have I mentioned that I'm the worlds worst housewife? I cant cook to save my life, hence the Schwan's. Hubby's an awesome cook and enjoys doing it, but sometimes I feel like a better wife if I pop something in the oven before I leave for work so he doesn't have to worry about it. And I hate to clean. I'm not neat at all. I think the floor is just one big laundry basket and don't even talk to me about under the bed. Before my husband and I got serious, I begged him to get back with his last girlfriend so she could clean the house.

The babies have just started to grab things with their hands,so I tried to get them to do it. I mean, it is their rooms and their things. They gotta learn to clean after themselves sometime, right? I mean I've been cleaning their butts for almost 5 months now, it's time they start pitching in. I even tried to get our foster dog Abby to help. She was real good at picking stuff up, not so good at putting it where it went, or letting it go. It's so hard to find good help these days.

Luckily for me, I'm pretty good with the whole baby thing. I mean, 'cause really, hubby doesn't have any other reason for keeping me around.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Fail, Parenting Win and TMI

We didn't make a big deal out of Halloween this year. For these reasons: Our big kids are just a bit too big for trick-or-treating, the little ones are too little to enjoy it, it isn't a big deal, and it fell on a Monday. I had planned on ordering costumes for the babies afterwards to get them on sale since it was just for pictures anyway, but my husband insisted I order them before. They arrived at my inlaws house about noon yesterday. Instead of dropping the babies off there and going to work, like I do half the time, I just stayed home and waited for hubby. Just as I was leaving he asked me "Are those costumes for next year"..."No? They're at your moms, they just got there."...long story short, he made me feel bad for not having them sooner (I still am not sure what he would have done with them, I was working yesterday evening after all) and I drove to work feeling like the worlds most neglectful parent.

But my girls most awesome pediatrician (see previous posts) made it all better today. The girls are right about the 50th percentile for height and weight, Savannah being a little smaller at 13lb5oz and Heather at 13lb11oz. For the actual age. She said not to even worry about the whole "adjusted age" bit anymore, they are well past the preemie stage and are doing everything they are supposed to on time. We would have started rice cereal today but hubby was asleep when I got home. I love him, but he's not my favorite right now.

*TMI Alert*
Exactly one year ago today, the girls were conceived :) I know this because I kept track of that stuff when I was trying.