Thursday, June 23, 2011

Get out of my belly!

35 weeks 3 days today. I went into preterm labor right about 3 weeks ago which they stopped. Last week my doctor took me off that yucky Procardia and I took me off bedrest. And theres been no progress. Zero. I'm still dilated 2 cms, and while I've had contractions, they havent been regular. Nor do they hurt, which is nice if a little concerning. Though it's not like I'm going to sleep through them, since I get up every hour to go potty. I'm getting pretty desperate, I've considered taking castor oil but my husband tattled on me at my doctors appointment yesterday and the doc told me not to do it. Jerks. Baby A still has her butt in my cervix, but instead of laying transverse, she's sitting up; so hopefully Baby B will push her outta the way when the time comes and I wont have to get sliced open.

I've gained just a hair under 40 lbs, but the last few weeks my tummy has like, exploded (not literally, unfortunately. That would be such a welcome relief). In the past month, I went from having no stretch marks to looking like a NYC road map. I was really hoping I'd be able to get away without any, but such is life I guess. The good news is my belly button isnt sticking out. Belly buttons just gross me out, bleh.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Definitely Ready

32 weeks today. I have bragged throughout the entire pregnancy about how easy it was and even considered doing surrogacy because I'm carrying them so well.

Now. I. Am. Miserable. I ache everywhere, I can't get comfy in bed, I dont sleep for more than an hour, I'm tired of all this damn heartburn that wakes me up when needing to go potty doesnt. I've been paranoid this whole time about going into preterm labor, but now every night I hope it'll happen right now.


I started that post 5/29. I had my 32 week appointment on 6/1. I had no complaints, so all they did was listen to heart tones and discuss once again delivery options. It was a different doctor than the one I had previously talked to about delivery, but I also liked him a lot. He was right there with me on the way I wanted to do things. He was a little concerned about how far away I lived and instructed me to call him when I had contractions 20 minutes apart. Actually, he specified that I call him from the road. He assured me that I would have false alarms and not to get frustrated if I showed up half a dozen times just to be sent back home.

Well, later that night I woke up from a nap not feeling quite right, so I called the doc and he said to go to the ER since it wasnt contractions. After waiting 2 hours in the waiting room, I had begun having contractions about 20 minutes apart. I told them at the front desk and I thought the nurse was going to fall through the floor. She threw me in a wheelchair and sprinted all the way to Labor & Delivery. Hubby couldnt keep up she was running so fast. They hooked me up to the monitor and saw that I was indeed having contractions. They gave me a Terbutaline shot to stop them (which made me feel yucky) and sent me home with instructions to go back to the doc the next morning.

The next morning they hooked me up to the monitor again and I was still having contractions, so I was scheduled for an ultrasound and then was to be admitted to the hospital for steroid shots. At 32 weeks, Savannah weighs 4lbs6oz and Heather was tipping the scales at 4lbs14oz.

What the hell? What kind of giant Amazon women do I have growing inside me? I've barely put on 40 lbs, I havent ever really kept to the 2,100 calorie diet and lets just say I'm not exactly religious with my prenatals (burn me at the stake, I know) Not to mention I'm apparently anemic now. I hope they're not going to grow up to be like 7 feet tall.

Anyway, yesterday my doc felt pretty good about their sizes and was ready to go ahead and take em out. Baby A is still breech, has been the entire pregnancy and if she's as stubborn as I am, she ain't moving. So a c-section is unavoidable. Dammit! She's so grounded when she's born. Unfortunately, I am no more dilated now than the other day so he's going to let me hang on a while longer. I've been given medicine for the contractions but they make me feel awful and I know that once I get home I wont take em so why not just get it over with?

Argh! So I'm here at the hospital for observation for one more day than I go home tomorrow unless something changes.