Thursday, June 23, 2011

Get out of my belly!

35 weeks 3 days today. I went into preterm labor right about 3 weeks ago which they stopped. Last week my doctor took me off that yucky Procardia and I took me off bedrest. And theres been no progress. Zero. I'm still dilated 2 cms, and while I've had contractions, they havent been regular. Nor do they hurt, which is nice if a little concerning. Though it's not like I'm going to sleep through them, since I get up every hour to go potty. I'm getting pretty desperate, I've considered taking castor oil but my husband tattled on me at my doctors appointment yesterday and the doc told me not to do it. Jerks. Baby A still has her butt in my cervix, but instead of laying transverse, she's sitting up; so hopefully Baby B will push her outta the way when the time comes and I wont have to get sliced open.

I've gained just a hair under 40 lbs, but the last few weeks my tummy has like, exploded (not literally, unfortunately. That would be such a welcome relief). In the past month, I went from having no stretch marks to looking like a NYC road map. I was really hoping I'd be able to get away without any, but such is life I guess. The good news is my belly button isnt sticking out. Belly buttons just gross me out, bleh.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there, thanks for your comment. My heart goes out to you because I know you're in a really tough spot... it is so hard in the beginning, it really is. But it gets better! It gets a lot better in small steps and jumps along the way. You don't have to wait years.

    Congratulations on your babies! I can't wait til you post because I want to know more...

    Oh -- and blog! You have to, or you won't remember anything. I seriously don't remember anything I don't have written down in an email I sent or a blog post I wrote.

    Hang in there!!
