Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Divine Intervention

I'm not about to discuss religion here, or anywhere else for that matter. I've always felt like it's a private matter, like bodily functions, and thusly should be kept to yourself (I've been living with my husband for two years and still lock the bathroom door, much to his irritation). But I will say this: I totally believe that everything happens for a reason.

So last week I dealt with the drama of being dropped by the doctors office that I wasnt terribly happy with anyway. Today I went to visit the new doctors office for the first time, just to kinda get established. I was a little skeptical walking in. I mentioned that the doctor has been practicing OB for over 40 years, right? Well...I think he may have been in the same office for all that time too. It's a little...outdated. The building anyway, all the equipment was up-to-date. And since he's one of the very few OB's to take the Medicaid, he has a lot of um....under privileged patients. I'm not trying to be snooty or hypocritical, really I'm not, it just kinda concerned me that I had to consent to random drug testing.

Anyway, I was very impressed after my appointment. The nurse spent a long time with me going over my medical history as opposed to handing me a list of crap to check off. Then the Certified Nurse Midwife came in, and she spent a pretty good bit with me as well. We couldnt do the glucose or the ultrasound today. She did ask if there was anything I'd like for her to do today, and I told her I wanted my cervix checked just to put my mind at ease. Not once did I feel like I was being a bother or an inconvenience.

Then the moment of truth: I told her how I felt about having a c-section, and she said as long as baby A was head down, we could go for it. Whew! I realize things may not go as I imagine or plan them, but I am overjoyed at finding a practice (at the last minute, no less) that is right in line with how I'd like to do things. I have another appointment in two days to do all the stuff we didnt get to do today, so hopefully that visit will go as well as this one did.

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